I am a first-year PhD student in the PLClub at the University of Pennsylvania, where I study type systems and language design. My research is supported by the NSF CSGrad4US Fellowship.
Previously, I worked in industry at Meta and the Flow Foundation. Before that, I did my B.S. and M.Eng. at Cornell, where I was advised by Adrian Sampson.
You can reach me at sainati@seas.upenn.edu, or take a look at my CV.
LambdaLab: An Interactive 𝛌‑Calculus Reducer for Learning
Daniel Sainati, Adrian Sampson
At Meta, I worked on the Flow type checker for JavaScript. At one point I wrote a blog post about it.
At Flow, I worked on the Cadence smart contract programming language. Some contributions here that I am particularly proud of are Entitlements and Attachments.
In undergrad, some classmates and I released a mobile game called Underhand. We haven’t maintained it at all, and at some point it was delisted from the Apple Store, but if you’re interested you can probably figure out a way to emulate it.